originally posted at https://comicalmomentum.tumblr.com/po...


Hel is of course the queen of the underworld (also called Hel) in Norse mythology.

ouch ouch

OK I was being inattentive - the last flashback is not when Al died. But this one is either it, or only a few months before it.

Oh wow they’re really falling apart here.

oh gosh this is painful.

…oh wait that’s it. I’ve caught up. I thought it would go on longer than that?

Well uh, ok, there we go everyone, that’s O Human Star! I’m really glad to be caught up with it and I’m going to be keenly keeping up with it.

I admit I kind of thought there would be more but then webcomics only move so fast and I think this one may only be like, 1/week.


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