canmom: Hey everybody, I hope you enjoyed our introduction to the wonderful world of the omnifurry
Today we begin the second book in the series, 'The Visitor'
drcable: I'm sorry about this entire thing but I'm gonna keep doing it cos I'm a bad person
canmom: ❤

canmom: so this time we have a girl turning into a cat
drcable: well then
canmom: only, without being anime style
which is for the best, really
drcable: like
the ears in the seccond one are pretty anime
canmom: true, it's hard to see because the stacked perspective
My name is Rachel. I won't tell you my last name. None of us will ever tell you our last names. Whenever I do use a last name, it's a fake. Sorry, but that's the way it has to be. And we won't tell you the name of our town, or our school, or even what state we are in. If I told you my last name, the Yeerks would be able to find my friends and me. And if they ever find us, it will be the end.
I guess that's as good a name as any for what we are.
drcable: AKA we're not cool enough to think of "antifurr"
canmom: ❤
i'm informed there was a TV series, which must have been horrific
drcable: It's on youtube
it made it like ten episodes
I can't imagine
- adapting these books in their full horror
- with early 00s CGI
canmom: must have been glorious, honestly
drcable: it'd be like bamzooki VS the human centipede
canmom: I'm afraid I don't know bamzooki
drcable: bamzooki
canmom: i am going to watch that later
i'm sure i will have a reaction
drcable: It's like peak "my parents forced me into stem at far too young an age" content.
I'm surprised it's not a bigger part of trans culture tbh
canmom: so this time, rachel is our narrator
which ought to be a massive improvement over Jake Somedude
drcable: she's the aryan one right?
canmom: but she's as given to melodrama as Jake
so uh what happened to the animorphing cube
like the obvious strat would seem to be to recruit more animorphs
or, i hate to say it, but perhaps to reach out to the repressive powers of the bourgeois state? it would seem in-character at least
then again, maybe capitalists find a yeerk alliance profitable
drcable: you want a mass furry movement?
rather than an infurrgency?
canmom: why
protracted furries war
dictatorship of the furletariat
drcable: ok I get commie furry puns are like 90% of our readers ideal kind of joke but maybe this is too many
we can like
spread them out
canmom: so KA Applegate is quickly expositing the previous book
everyone is birds now
drcable: AS YOU ALREADY KNOW tobias is a bird
canmom: good outcome
hatoful boyfriend animorphs edition
drcable: I think you'll find tobias is a girl actually
<Tobias! I just realized something.>
<This isn't like being an elephant.>
drcable: No shit you're a bird
Forget surfing. Forget skateboarding. Forget snowboarding. You haven't had a thrill till you've ridden the thermals a mile into the air and then gone hurtling straight down at maximum speed.
canmom: flying a glider is pretty cool yeah
drcable: (hi everyone in case it's not already bleadingly obvious me and bryn are white and middle class to an extreme degree)
canmom: yeah i deserve that
<I can't believe this!> I was really mad. <I'm an endangered species. I'm a bald eagle! What's the matter with those creeps?>
canmom: i don't have anything to add to this, it's just a funny line
drcable: Guys I think KA is working on emphasis
canmom: to be clear this is typeset in bold with a blank line on either side
drcable: she does it again
but with the word FACE
idk how many times she's gonna employ this groundbreaking postmodernist use of typographic form
canmom: wow they're just murdering these guys
"That ain't right. It ain't right that no bird should take my rifle like that."
canmom: this is definitely how someone will react when a bird steals their gun
i'm glad they can tell the time in birdmode
do you think they carry a watch
drcable: I think tobias talks about this in book 1?
their AMAZING BIRD EYES read random peoples watch faces
but yeah
lots of "as you already know" about morphing in ch 1
I bet there's yeerk as you already know in ch2?
Fortunately, after a few tries, we had all learned to morph some very minimal clothing.
drcable: anyway, KA is still on the "I totaly don't get off on morphing as a kink guys"
My tongue grew fat in my mouth. My eyesight became faded and dim. The eagle's mind evaporated, leaving me all alone in my head.
My wings became arms. My talons became toes. The scaly yellow eagle legs became my own legs, only they were still all scaly at first.
"Nice look, chicken legs," Marco said. "Do those come in extra crispy, too?" I smiled at him. "You're not one to talk, Marco." I pointed down at the floor. See, his legs had changed back, but he still had huge osprey talons instead of feet.
canmom: yeah i don't imagine we'll say goodbye to that anytime soon :p
like i'm pretty sure it's why she wrote these books? apart from teaching us how war is bad
"That was so absolute!" he said.
drcable: Was that ever a word for cool? ever?
canmom: raises an interesting question of partial morphs
like could you have bird eyes on human bod?
drcable: no EGS magic exposition bryn
I think they try that later
"I wasn't being sexist," Marco protested.
drcable: For reference, marco was indeed being sexist
canmom: no shit ❤
"It goes both ways."
canmom: sigh
We had all returned to our human forms, but Tobias was still a hawk. Tobias will always be a hawk.
canmom: I think Tobias is into being a hawk?
was tobias an orphan?
ok yeah
We walked along the boulevard that goes by the construction site.
canmom: they sure do love that construction site
drcable: I think their town is like 90% construction site
like, in the middle is the construction site and ringed around it are the mall, the school, the zoo, and individual homes
canmom: sounds pretty accurate
"We didn't lose, anyway," I said. The others looked at me like I was crazy. "Look," I explained, "I know we didn't save Tom, and we sure didn't stop the Yeerks. But we gave them a reason to be afraid, at least."
canmom: nevermind all those people who got blown up by visser
drcable: they're infurrsectionists bryn
propoganda of the deed
the furr
See, Melissa Chapman, Assistant Principal Chapman's daughter, is one of my closest friends. Or at least she used to be. The last few months, she'd been acting very strange toward me. Like she didn't care anymore
canmom: i wonder why that could be
sure her dad's got a yeerk in him
it's implausible that she would too
She has pale gray eyes and pale blonde hair and pale skin.
canmom: KA Applegate description style: json.stringify()
What he saw was me, halfway through morphing into an African elephant. I had about a third of a trunk and most of my huge fanlike elephant ears. My legs were like stumps. My arms looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger's, only gray. And my tusks stuck about a foot out of my mouth. Just to make things extra weird, I still had my normal hair and my normal eyes. Suddenly, the guy wasn't interested in hassling me.
drcable: Unsure on the necessity of this description still
"Melissa, I was thinking . . . maybe you'd like to walk over to the mall with me after class? I have to buy a new pair of sneakers."
canmom: mall date. classic
drcable: "dude you wanna crash the mall"
that'd be a good theme song for the animorphs tbh
Crashing malls, angsting over romance, complaining about how complicated it is that you're shapeshifting kids caught in a race war
You know that evil slug is right there in the Controller's head, attached to all his nerve endings. Controlling the human brain. Dominating it.
drcable: KA applegate in "this is not a kink"
canmom: tfw you animorph and there's a yeerk right round the corner
"Do you want to come over?" I said. "I got that new CD, if you want to listen to it."
canmom: i wonder how they update this one? nowadays you'd just message them the file
we're 1/4 of the way into this book and nothing has happened except for this elephant incident
drcable: animorphs: the elephant incident
Like, we've bought new readers up to speed?
I suspect like 25% of the books is exposition?
canmom: true
i guess they have to appeal to people who pick up book 17 in a library or something
drcable: hashtag totaly not my 9 year old self
canmom: so to let our readers keep pace, we're in chapter 6, tobias has identified a cat, and they're going to find it and steal its essence
in order to spy on the cat's owner
i hope they all turn into the cat
and have six identical cats prowling the house
"Oh, wonderful," Cassie moaned. "Please tell me he's been fixed, at least."
drcable: God cassie learn to biopolitics that's just eugenicist
"We have a cat up a tree," Cassie said dolefully. "You know how hard it is to get a cat down out of a tree?"
canmom: is this a thing cats do so often?
like it's the stereotypical childrens' book scenario
"What I need is a mouse."
drcable: to the tune of the fary godmothers cover of "I need a hero"
canmom: this is turning into an RPG fetch chain quest
Acquiring is what we call it when we absorb a sample of the animal's DNA. The DNA is the stuff inside the cells that sort of serves like a how-to manual for making the animal.
canmom: morphing is powered by the screams of developmental biologists
You're not sure it's a good idea for Rachel to turn into a shrew in order to lure a vicious cat down from a tree so she can morph into that cat and sneak into the assistant principal's house?
canmom: this is an RPG plot
no, this is a Sierra adventure game plot
drcable: your references are too nerdy
canmom: or heck just a parser IF
> x cat
The cat is in the tree.
> acquire cat
The cat is too far away.
> climb tree
you're too big
> acquire shrew
you don't have a shrew
drcable: [s] ==> rachel, be the shrew
And I wanted them. I know it's too gross, but I wanted to eat those maggots.
canmom: same lol
drcable: homosexual tbqh
School? Yes. I remembered school.
Quite suddenly the shrew mind lost the battle for control. It was like a switch had been flipped. I was in charge
canmom: something something social reproduction
i've forgotten where i was going with that quote
idk think of something vaguely anarchist involving schools
drcable: Rachel doms a shrew, the movie
In my dream I knew: I was that shrew.
drcable: In my dream I am the shrew it is me
also holy fuck it's book two and they already all have cPTSD?
hashtag armchair diagnosis
I guess that's what happens when you get involved in a war but a chapter about ptsd is a bit heavy for scholastic
"Probably going off to kill your shrew," Marco speculated. The idea made me shudder all over again.
canmom: the book is really pulling no punches on the 'most lifeforms have absolutely horrible lives' thing huh
Tobias sent me a private message.
drcable: Sliding into ur brain like
canmom: Thinking Melissa is not a controller but some horrible shit is happening, possibly parental abuse, now at least one of her parents is possessed by a yeerk
drcable: the yeerk is a jeerk
I've been waiting to make that joke for like at least 30m
canmom: long sigh
Cats are genetically programmed to be afraid of large birds
drcable: Yay, EvPsych!
canmom: this book is even more filled with transformation sequences than the last
drcable: I'll have you know that the concept of large, bird, and "afriaid" are all socially constructed so a cat cannot in fact be afraid of large birds
let alone whether it's genetically programed to do that
I'll meow if I need help.
drcable: It's always good breaking and entering into an aliens house while shapeshifted practice to set a safeword
Between your own natural attitude and the cat's 'tude
canmom: the difference between attitude and 'tude is subtle but significant
I headed at an easy trot
canmom: *resists urge to make pun on sexually available trotskyists*
drcable: I was expecting a joke about bad mlp fanfic conventions
IDK which is worse
He was a dominant cat. Very dominant.
drcable: alright, keep it in your...skintight morphing suit
If this cat appeared, I would have to submit. I would have to make myself smaller and less threatening and accept his dominance.
drcable: we get it rachel
<Just remember: It's fun being an animal for a while. Not so fun when it's permanent. The two-hour clock is ticking. Tick tock.>
canmom: I guess Tobias isn't so happy about permanent hawk mode then
I did wonder
I do think the way KA deals with the characterisation of the animals is actually rather good?
drcable: yeah, I enjoy this? except like the massive flowery descriptions?
canmom: although she kind of dropped it in the final sequence of the last book where they just turned into elephants and tigers and so forth but didn't have to worry about losing control or anything
drcable: yeah
I guess like, there's pacing issues
otoh, I might be ascribing too much intentionality to ka here
We're still learning about thought-speech. We know there are limits on how far it can be "heard." But we aren't sure what the limits are.
canmom: so it seems telepathy has limited range and/or can't penetrate too much rock or whatever
drcable: does it obey the square root law?
canmom: no way of telling, but if it's omnidirectional radiation it would obey the inverse square law
drcable: bryn
they turn into animals
I think making assumptions about animorphs science is iffy
canmom: ...imagine if Dan Shive and KA Applegate collaborated
drcable: no
I won't
like it depends if early Dan Shive or late?
early would be horific
late would be like "Dan Shive but he uses 70k words for every hand movement"
canmom: New Yeerk rank: Iniss 226
drcable: or just name I think?
canmom: hmm
the number suggests rank
they may be equivalent for Yeerks?
drcable: IIRC it's name but
The Council of Thirteen will hear of it
canmom: Is Visser a member of the Council of 13?
I guess we'll find out eventually
"What a ferocious little beast," Visser Three said approvingly. "See how he did not back away or run? I am many times his size and yet he struck at me. A pity that the species is too small to serve as a host."
Interesting. Claws and teeth and ferocity mixed with the subtlety to manipulate creatures larger than itself. A worthy creature
drcable: Viser 3 confirmed for cat furry
Killing a cat is seen as a bad deed
canmom: correctly
Don't forget, Iniss two two six, I gave you this Chapman body. I placed you in his head because I trusted you. I fed you his brain and made you my lieutenant. But I can suck you
drcable: What a threat
canmom: bwahaha
It showed a human woman, pain-wracked, screaming, with the purple creature sucking on her head
drcable: ok, that's not much better
canmom: you're writing your visser/innis fic now aren't you
drcable: um
definitely not
(nah like all yeerks seem to be gendered male? or genderless which is male by human standards?)
He ... he morphed into a Vanarx. A Yeerkbane
drcable: KA with the inventive names
"He showed me ... he showed how he de stroyed Iniss one seven four." Ms. Chapman looked shocked. "He used a Vanarx on an Iniss of the second century?"
drcable:Nope, you're right. Rank it must be
canmom: I like how he explains what a Vanarx is for the audience, because presumably Ms. Chapman already knows
t's just this square root stuff
drcable: square roots are hard
math is bad
canmom: $$\sqrt{no}$$
I guess my own mom or dad could have said exactly the same things to me. "Dear." "Sweetheart." But the way they were said . . . There was something missing. Humanity. Love. Call it whatever you want. The words were right, but they were cornpletely wrong
drcable: yeerks are bad cos they can't love klaxon
canmom: I mean they may be able to love, just not love the daughter of their host?
drcable: Like I get that and it's charitable
but I don't think it's what KA is after
canmom: Predicting Melissa is going to be inducted into the Animorphs at some point
Let me tell you something: Getting that big eagle body off the ground isn't easy. It is definitely work. I wondered if my human body got any of the aerobic benefits of the exercise.
canmom: Very likely not, if morphing also erases injuries.
Rachel, if the real Fluffer walks in while you're still there...
drcable: fun fact: porn films(pre viagra) used to have a role called a fluffer
canmom: yes, I'm aware
drcable: who's job it was to get mens cocks ready
canmom: you can get a job as one in Fallout 2
I didn't want to be the one to make the joke :p
drcable: she says
making the exact same joke
gaming never fails to satisfy me with the high minded content
canmom: hey, Fallout: New Vegas taught me about Hegelian dialectics
even if it used the thesis/antithesis/synthesis presentation that's apparently not entirely like Hegel's actual presentation?
but then, it's possible that post-apocalyptic warlord Caesar is not necessarily familiar with all the nuances of debate on how best to describe Hegel's work
I decided that I don't care what it takes, or how many risks I have to run. I don't care what happens to me. I hate these Yeerks. I hate them. I hate them. And I will find a way to stop them
drcable: wow motivation
canmom: She doesn't mention the 'yeerkbane' thing
That seems strategically relevant
drcable: yeah, like, if you can get one of those
that's like, useful
canmom: Marco here playing fashion police
I mean, Cassie's wearing green patterned leggings and a purple stretch top, and Jake's got on those awful bike shorts, and Rachel is stylish, as always, in her black tights
drcable: everyone in black tights pls
forced femme and forced fur
Yes, but I really, really want it to be a comic book. See, in a comic book the heroes don't get killed
canmom: Wasn't this the middle of the 90s grimdark turn
drcable: do we think KA reads many comic books
"What's the matter with combining green and purple?" Cassie asked Marco.
"It's a major fashion no-no," Marco said
canmom: I'm glad someone is here to call out bad sartorial choices. But also I think purple and turquoise look OK together?
good even
I use that in a lot of videogames
also, porp uses pink and green a lot
drcable: also, it's the 90s
"What are you going to do, turn into a flea and ride on my back?" I asked her. She smiled and gave a little shrug. "I'm just saying we should think about it.
drcable: and then if you get found out you have fleas for backup?
canmom: yeah, flea plan seems like a good one
i mean, except for the fact that transforming into small things is apparently shit-yourself terrifying
It was a dark and stormy night.
Sorry, I've always wanted to write that. But it really was a dark and stormy night
canmom: .......
drcable: ka applegate admiting blonde haired blue eyed wholesome but sexy rachel is a mary sue?
god forbid
canmom: muttering about mary sue as a term of analysis, but yes, this is definitely Applegate speaking rather than Rachel...
"Be careful, Rachel," Cassie said. And then she stroked my back. I started to move away, but she kept her hand on my back for a few seconds. Then, smiling mysteriously, she stood up
canmom: she's a lesbian, Rachel
drcable: Like, not every butch woman with a fascination with cats is a lesbian sweetie
Well ... I'm kind of on you.
drcable: Well then
canmom: was it really necessary to leave Rachel in the dark about Plan Flea?
drcable: Plan A, Plan B, Plan Flea
which is apt given the amount that plan C steal time/work from other activist groups
canmom: You heard it here first.
My claws bit flesh. I saw three bright red tracks on the back of Chapman's hand.
I could smell the blood that flowed.
"Ahhhhh!" Chapman howled. He backed away
canmom: cat beats commoner
DnD 3.5 was correct
oh no Chapman's making a Grapple roll
drcable: nerd
"Host rebellion," Ms. Chapman muttered under her breath. She seemed horrified and fascinated all at once. Then, suddenly, her left hand slapped her own face.
"Ahhhhh! Mine... mine... too."
"Stop it, Chapman," Chapman said. "Stop it or I'll break you! I'll leave you nothing but a shell! You cannot win. No host has ever succeeded in rebelling!" But the Chapman host wasn't giving up
canmom: how interesting
drcable: the power of L O V E
and the nuclear family
canmom: yeah. het nuclear family >>> resisting genocide, evidently?
i wonder if visser's host is actually willing
drcable: like, obv het nuclear family >> resisting gennocide
have you seen america?
het nuclear family is the reason they do genocide
You could feel the difference between a real Andalite and the evil beast that was Visser Three. It was like he glowed with some dark light. A light that cast a shadow over your mind
drcable: we get it, he's bad
Do you think the Andalite mind that still lives in this body never resists?
drcable: nah visser is just a better domme
a True Domme
<The only hope is for me to stay in cat morph,> I said
canmom: this obviously won't happen
but KA Applegate loves to set up these awful sacrifices
Marco had called them walking Salad Shooters
canmom: what is a salad shooter
drcable: Um, I have no idea
like, a salad spinner?
they're like a grater, but american and automated
canmom: huh
We made Visser Three nervous
drcable: a true victory
canmom: I'm a bit behind
He rose to his knees. Then slowly, slowly, he stood up. He was wobbling and swaying, but he was standing. "The girl is no threat," he repeated in a stronger, moreconfident voice. "But I am.
canmom: DUN DUN DUN etc.
The time was now nine twenty-eight. I had about seventeen minutes before I hit the two-hour limit
canmom: better hope that limit is that precise
I'm going to try a quick double-morph. Hope it works
canmom: maybe this is where KA starts pulling an EGS wrt morph mechanics?
The near-dead Taxxon screamed as his fellow Taxxons ate him alive
drcable: hot
canmom: no wonder kids loved these books
kids love violence
drcable: and vore
I saw a dark hole. I flew toward it in a single leap
canmom: $generic_sex_joke
i wonder if partial demorphing affects the timer in any way
bc she grew fingers to open the cage
aw. well
that's book 2
i'm sure book 3 is going to throw a spanner in the works because so far it's like, moderate exposition, confrontation with visser, they get away alive
hopefully it won't get too formulaic
drcable: um, how to break it to you
animorphs is pretty formulaic
like, there's differences
90% is formula